Help Center

Ask a question regarding the inquiry

If you have additional questions for your inquiry use the “Questions for Inquiry” function. The option to ask a question is available before as well as after logging in (go to “Inquiry Details” and then to the “Messages” tab). To ask a question, go to the details of the inquiry and at the very bottom of the page select “Questions to ask” available on the blue background. Once clicked, a window to fill in the content will appear.

  1. Filling in the title and content

At the beginning, fill in the title of the message – general information about what your message will be about. Then proceed to fill in the content. You can also add attachments.

Remember not to bid this way!

  1. Adding appendices

To add attachments, click on the “Drop files or click to add from disk” box, an additional window will appear to select the attachment to add from your computer. Select the attachment and click “Open,” the attachment will be added.

  1. Sending questions

To send the question correctly, fill in your email address, preferably it should be the email to which you already have a registered account in the system. If you have all the fields filled in, select “Send.”