To view the list of open and closed auctions, go to the “Auctions” tab, which is available in the upper left corner of the platform.
There are filters as well as a contextual search engine thanks to which you will find the auctions that interest you the most. Under the search engine, a list of auctions is available, showing such data as auction name, number, auction date, buyer’s company and status. To see the status, hover your mouse cursor over the status icon.
You can easily find an auction using the contextual search engine. You can mark the checkbox “also search the content of the auction,” thanks to it you will extend the search area to the data contained in the content of the auction.
Above the list of auctions available to filter, you can filter by auction form, auction type, completion status, submission status, read status and watched. After selecting a particular filter (you can use several at the same time), confirm the selection with the orange “Approve” button.
If there is an auction on the list of auctions that you are very interested in, you can add it to the watched auctions, select the star in the row with the auction on the right. Then, through the filters, you can easily search for the marked auction.
To view the details of the auction, locate it in the list, after hovering over the line with the auction the line will “highlight,” then click the left mouse button.
Another way is to click the right mouse button and select “Auction details” from the menu.